Hey there Nintendo geeks, Oscar here with some news to do with a Pokémon sun and moon leak from eurogamer. So lets get to it. All right so first up let me explain what happened. So basically according to multiple sources Pokémon Sun and Moon are going to get a third version, kind of like what Nintendo did with the first four Pokémon game. This version of this game is going to be called Pokémon stars to fit in with the other two games. And it is going to contain all the same routes and Pokémon as sun and moon but with HD graphics and It is going to be released later next year when the switch is out so I doubt it will be a launch title. And where is all this evidence coming from you may be asking. Well I’ve got you covered with all the information. So apparently if you look back at the reveal trailer that Nintendo released earlier this year you can see them working on a HD model of the new seventh gen Pokémon Pikipek (excuse me if I spelt it wrong :[).